My rating: 4 of 5 stars
We always end up distraught, upset, arguing, and this is normal everyday life, but once you read this book, you will question yourself, the author certainly makes you think about what is right and what is wrong, it helps you understand that we need these feelings to show us that things are important to us.. Sticking your head in the sand never helps anyone because true as I write this the problem will raise its ugly head again and probably bite you in the ass harder for ignoring it the previous time. The Author makes us think, sometimes it is painful, she mentions dirty pain, a lot of us have had a taste of that and as much as we dislike it we do have to go through these particular things in order to help our relationships, not just with our partners but relationships with family and friends.
There is an old saying "don't rock the boat" but, in this case, please do - read this great book, and do rock the boat as our conflicts can overcome problems. I did not read this because I am having marital problems, quite the opposite, I am very happy in my marriage, but there is always room to improve, and I am not too old in the tooth to admit sometimes some good advice works wonders.
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